We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear — members can now control whether or not they see autoplay previews on Netflix. Here’s how: https://t.co/6V2TjEW6HD https://t.co/zbz4E8fVab — Netflix US (@netflix) February 6, 2020 There are 2 types of autoplay features on Netflix; One that plays the next episode in the series automatically and the other one that shows you previews and trailers while browsing on the homepage. Netflix lets you tweak these features individually. Actually, I like the next episode autoplay option (it’s great for binge sessions), So I’ll leave that on.

How to turn off Autoplay features on Netflix

  1. Sign in to Netflix on the web browser and select your profile. These settings can be set to each profile differently, so everyone can use it with their own preferences. Also Read: How to Download Netflix on Chromebook

  2. Then go to account settings from the top-right profile menu. As the Netflix app doesn’t have an autoplay feature, this setting is not available on the app, but you can go to Account Settings in the More section, it will redirect to browser.

  3. Scroll down and click on “Playback Settings” in the “My Profile” section.

  4. Turn off the tick mark beside the option “Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices”.  As said in the option, these settings will apply to all the devices, so you don’t have to adjust the setting on each device individually.

  5. For blocking auto-playing the next episode, turn off the tick mark beside the option “Autoplay next episode in a series on all devices” Just like autoplay preview, these settings will also apply to all the devices you use. Read: Netflix Tips and Tricks for All Those Who Watch It on Mobile

Closing Words

This is one of the features that I have been waiting for Netflix to release for a really long time. Netflix came with the feature that applies to all devices but only for your profile which is more than what I asked for. Anyhow, I am going to turn off autoplay for previews and leave autoplay for the next episode on. What about you? Tell me your favorite Netflix title in the comments below. Read: Lesser Known Netflix Alternatives That Offer Quality over Quantity